15 September 2022
We are excited to announce that our design for 3 Gallions Close in Barking for Inland Limited, received a unanimous resolution to grant planning permission from the Barking & Dagenham Planning Committee this week.
Our design is for a landscaped podium courtyard development with the surrounding buildings ranging from part 5-storeys to part 14-storeys, providing 233 residential units including 23% London Affordable Rent homes. The proposals include the delivery of landscaping and public realm, a pocket park, play space, access, car parking and other associated and ancillary works and is subject to any direction from the Mayor of London, and the completion of a Section 106 agreement.
A short distance away from our scheme for 7 Thames Road, 3 Gallions Close is also part of the Thames Road Masterplan, which sets out the principles for intensifying industrial uses on River Road and transforming Thames Road to a co-location and residential area. Our designs, working with Inland Limited, will serve as a catalyst for regeneration of the Thames Road area and co-location development and is an important gateway project for the masterplan.
Congratulations to the whole team comprised of Create Consulting Engineers, I-Transport, BDP (Landscape), Sweco UK Limited (Fire) and Planning Potential.