Planning success for 7 Thames Road in Barking
21 March 2022
We are excited to announce that our design for 7 Thames Road in Barking for Inland Limited, received a unanimous resolution to grant planning permission from the Barking & Dagenham Planning Committee last week.
Our design is comprised of a range of buildings from part 6-storeys to part 14-storeys, providing 131 residential units including 20% affordable housing, with 2,051sqm industrial space use Classes E(g), B2 and B8 at ground and first floor levels. The proposals include the delivery of landscaping and public realm, play space, access, car parking and other associated and ancillary works and is subject to any direction from the Mayor of London, and the completion of a Section 106 agreement.
The scheme forms part of the Thames Road Masterplan, which sets out the principles for intensifying industrial uses on River Road and transforming Thames Road to a co-location and residential area. Our designs working with Inland Limited will serve as a catalyst for regeneration of the Thames Road area and co-location development and is an important gateway project for the masterplan.
Congratulations to the whole team comprised of Create Consulting Engineers, I-Transport, BDP (Landscape), Sweco UK Limited (Fire) and Planning Potential.